Update from Deputy Dean (Research) Carolin Plewa

It’s hard to believe we’re nearing the end of the year already; a busy time for most and a particularly busy time in the research grants calendar with a number of application deadlines on the horizon.

For any researchers planning on submitting an ARC grant application over the coming months please get in contact to see what support the Faculty can provide. As ARC Discovery Project applications are due early in 2022 we are beginning to plan workshops for applicants to commence before the end of the year so stay tuned for further details.

The DVCR recently announced the University Digi+ FAME strategy along with an internal grant scheme in order to provide strategic investment in that area. Applications for this internal grant scheme are due Friday 5 November and anyone who has not already notified the Research Team of their involvement should do so asap.

As a Faculty we are working on ways in which our research strengths can best align with the FAME areas and key missions which sit beneath. Staff who are interested in collaborative opportunities are encouraged to get in contact for support in forming faculty ‘Interest Groups’ for these areas.

On a personal note, I hope that as the year comes to an end you will have the opportunity to celebrate all you have achieved this year, take a break, rest and reunite with family and friends.


Tagged in Research