The Waste Land at 100

For 100 years, T. S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land' has stood at the pinnacle of modern poetic achievement in the English language: by turns baffling, seducing, electrifying, alienating, and engaging generations of readers. What does it mean to read the poem today? How have changing critical fashions altered the reception of a work once considered essential? Who teaches it anymore? What aspects seem to have aged poorly; what ones well? Where is its influence being felt today? Over the course of the day, we will probe the lasting significance of a masterpiece still as controversial as it is unavoidable.

Session One 10-11:30

  • Ann Vickery
  • Andrew van der Vlies
  • Benjamin Madden

Session Two 12:30-2:30

  • Tamlyn Avery
  • Maggie Tonkin
  • Julian Murphet

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Tagged in faculty of arts, School of Humanities