Healthy Homes 100

We are collecting housing and indoor temperature data to understand the impact of home temperature on the health and well-being of children. By joining our study you will be making a massive contribution to research and understanding in this area.

The project asks you to fill in a short survey about your home and the people in your household. We will then send you two temperature sensors to place in your home for six months: one in your main living area and one in a child's bedroom. We will supply pre-paid envelopes for returning the sensors. You will also have the option to opt in to an air sample survey, which will involve a brief researcher visit. Once sensors have been returned you will be sent a $50 gift voucher to thank you for your contribution. 

Participant Information   Start survey

Housing and health

Housing plays a very important role in our health. At the moment we don't have a lot of information about the nature of children's housing in Australia, or the role it plays in their health. This project is an important part of our research looking to fill this gap. 


The research team

Dr Amy Clair

Amy Clair is a researcher in the Australian Centre for Housing Research, University of Adelaide, and research associate of the ESRC Centre for Micro-Social Change, University of Essex. A quantitative social policy researcher, her work focuses on the impact of policy on health and well-being, with an emphasis on housing and child well-being. Recent work has explored the impact of cold homes on mental health, the links between housing experiences and biological ageing, and the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for social policy.

Dr Cynthia Barlow

Cynthia is a research fellow in the Australian Centre for Housing Research. Her work explores the extent of cold housing across the Australian population. This project will add a new dimension to Cynthia’s DustSafe research, which helped people to understand contaminants in their home environment. 

Dr Lyrian Daniel

Lyrian Daniel is a Research Fellow in the Healthy Cities Research Group at The University of Adelaide. She is interested in hazardous housing and its implications for population health and wellbeing. Her recent work has focussed on Australia’s hidden cold housing problem, energy hardship among tenant households, and thermal standards for homes. 

Professor Emma Baker

Emma Baker is Professor of Housing Research at the University of Adelaide where she leads the Healthy Cities Research Group. She is currently leading the construction of a national rental housing conditions dataset and has a track record of successful collaboration with industry, government and non-government organisations. Professor Baker leads the Capturing Complexity research stream.  

This project is supported by funding from the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics at the University of Adelaide.